Sites of Interest
Relationship Headquarters
"The Woman Men Adore...and Never Want to Leave"
In the bestselling e-book from Bob Grant, L.P.C. you will learn:
- How to diffuse a man without raising your voice.
- Why to much giving is actually competing with a man.
- The man is the head, and the woman is the heart.
- Why men don't listen.
- What husbands (men) crave the most and how to give it to them.
These are but a few of the insights you will find in this new e-book. If you would like to find out more simply click their link at
National internet directory listing over 30,000 recovery related services.
Mental Health
This site offers a general place to find treatment information via the Internet. It is a virtual encyclopedia of information related to mental disorders, their possible causes, and some treatments. is one of the most complete guides to information about Natural Health and Alternative Medicine on the Internet. It is designed to be an organized directory, with articles, free Newsletters and descriptions of many of the most important Natural Health and Alternative Medicine Web Sites on the World Wide Web.
Marantha Chapel
Check out what is happening at Maranatha week to week. Also, if you have a friend in need of prayer, Maranatha's web site offers e-mail prayer requests. Keep your text in small letters when going to check out this web site as it is "case sensitive".
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
This site provides a starting point to resources related to substance abuse and mental health in general.
Clairemont Emmanuel Baptist Church
Check out CEBC web site and find out what is happening at the church. Many church members have their own personal web sites linked to this one.